Daily Dose Blog

Health and Nutrition Plus Some Other Great Stuff

Vegatables and Health

These 3 Strategies Will Ensure Your Food Success

When’s the last time you told yourself you wouldn’t eat junk food and soon after found yourself in a drive-thru for convenience’s sake? Do you ever grab the easiest thing to eat even if it’s not nourishing you? Don’t worry, even the strictest healthy eaters succumb to such behaviors occasionally.

Healthy green shake

Fuel Your Fitness

Wellness is all about balance, so to feel and function at your best, it’s important to take a holistic approach. Proper nutrition, hydration, and adequate rest and self-care are key, but remember, your fitness routine is equally as important.   Did you know exercise is a “good stress” for your body? 

Remove excess weight

Your Metabolic Rate & Weight Management

We hear a lot about metabolism, and we often blame a “slow metabolism” for our inability to keep our weight under control. Find out what factors affect your metabolic rate and what you can do to change it. Do you feel like you have a “slow metabolism” or that your body burns calories at a slower pace than others? You’re not alone!

Women's Health

How Women Can Support Their Health Every Day of the Year

Many women don’t make their health a high priority due to work, busy schedules, taking care of others, and life’s daily demands. The good news is, it’s never too late to focus on your well-being!

We want to empower you, and the women around you, to make informed decisions about your health not only on International Women’s Day, but every day of the year. From nutrition to exercise and self-care, here’s how you can support your needs through your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond.